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Legion Member of the Day

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      How to Apply? Read this First!

      Brigade General
      Brigade General

      Posts : 312
      Reputation : 0
      Join date : 2010-07-16
      Age : 38
      Location : In your head - controlling you.

      How to Apply? Read this First! Empty How to Apply? Read this First!

      Post by Alendris Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:27 pm

      Allright guys, i am happy to see you came this far! So you are either curious or you really wanna apply! In case it's the first *pulls his gun* Curiousity killed the cat...

      Hehe, jokes aside - this is how you apply:

      Create a new topic and write your character name and your class as Title.

      Real Name:
      Coutry you are from:
      Speak English:
      Your Mother Tongue:

      Character Name:
      Character Level:
      Character Sex:
      Character Class:
      Character Gear:

      Legion you are in(you were last in):
      If you left or were kicked - why:

      How often do you play Aion:

      Now remember we only accept lvl50+ characters. There are exceptions, but this is the general rule. You can also Apply ingame by sending Alendris or a centurion an ingame express mail. But they might forget to answer so this is the better option. Here's an Example application:

      Real Name: Keanu Reeves
      Age: 33
      Sex: Male
      Coutry you are from: United States of America
      Speak English: Fluently
      Your Mother Tongue: English

      Character Name: Keanu
      Character Level: 55
      Character Sex: Male
      Character Class: Mage
      Character Gear: Calydon Chaser stuff + some Broker Items

      Legion you are in(you were last in): Shinigamis
      If you left or were kicked - why: They kicked me cause i was not gay...

      How often do you play Aion: When i am not on the Set i play Aion the whole day!

      Welcome to the Legion, Keanu!

      This is how it should look like! Now just make a new Thread with your own Application!

        Current date/time is Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:39 am